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Let's watch 'Paridokht' music clip

Here is a music clip featuring scenes from iFilm series 'Paridokht' and its enchanting closing song by the famed Iranian vocalist, Salar Aqili.

Here is a music clip featuring scenes from iFilm series 'Paridokht' and its enchanting closing song by the famed Iranian vocalist, Salar Aqili.

The song's poignant lyrics paint a picture of a heart burdened by time, echoing the emotions of the characters.

The song's lyrics partly read, "My heart has surrendered to sorrow over the years, Wounded by time and weary of dreams. Like a forgotten story, I have disappeared from memories, A leaf without a tree, blown away by the winds."

The series narrates the life story of a girl called Paridokht, the shy and beautiful daughter of a reputable and religious man. Her life is shown in three historical periods, each of which influences the way things turn out for Paridokht.

